ZooLex is a Robust Resource for the Zoo Professional

It looks like the site was designed in the 90s, the site could use some major updating, but the content is there.  Particularly fun is the gallery of zoos.  They break each Zoo down to size, maps, animals, cost, designer, conditions, plants, ect.  It’s a nice overview look at how others organize themselves.  From the ZooLex site About page:

The ZooLex Zoo Design Organization:

The ZooLex Zoo Design Organization is a non-profit organization, registered in Vienna (ZVR-Zahl 933849053), independent from companies and organizations. It relies on the support of subscribers, members, sponsors and well-wishers to fund its activities. Contact:


The ZooLex Zoo Design Organization was established to help improve holding conditions for wild animals in captivity by

  • publishing and disseminating information related to zoo design,
  • promoting appropriate holding conditions for wild animals in captivity,
  • providing balanced technical information and advice about zoo design, and
  • supporting research and vocational training related to zoo design.

Partnership with WAZA:

ZooLex provides a direct link to the WAZA website from its top navigation bar. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) makes the ZooLex website available through www.waza.org and holds the ZooLex archive.

WAZA’s mission is to guide, encourage and support the zoos, aquariums, and like-minded organisations of the world in animal care and welfare, environmental education and global conservation. The purpose of this partnership is to mutually support each other organization’s goal of promoting best practice in animal exhibit design.


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